BlackGryph0n on DeviantArt

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BlackGryph0n's avatar




"And you better not make me bop to any cutesy wootsy, lame music!!"

EDIT: Happy Bopping Rainbow Dash Here: [link] :iconrain-bopplz:

Well guys, I'm still on deployment but I had to do something!! :noes: I made this on the ship (USS Blue Ridge, LCC-19) using my laptops touch pad, in transit between Indonesia and Singapore. :crazy:
I'm in Thailand now and finally have a chance to connect my laptop to some good ol' fashioned Internet!... :evileye:

...Anyhoo, I am still going to release "Message from Fluttershy," but since I won't have time to make that 'till I get back, I thought I'd try to release "Rainbowlicious" in the mean time. (This will all depend on wether or not I can get Ashleigh on board... :fingerscrossed: )

Well, I love you guys! TTYL!!


P.S. I post pictures of my travels when I can, you can find them here: [link]
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600x600px 176.51 KB
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Hello my friend, i am making an app for kids (game) and i want to use those unicorns in this game, can i?
i will give you the credit in the app description o.k?